The loss of a most important object

As her fingers grasped at nothing, Su-Jin's hands began to shake violently. A feeling of cold dread took hold of her, turning her entire body rigid.

'It's gone! It's gone!' She desperately thought to herself.

She looked down and, with a look of horror, confirmed the alarming truth. 

The necklace holding the ring was indeed gone. 

Su-Jin's mind was in a frenzy, trying to think of places where she might have dropped it. But all her attempts came back empty.

As if sensing her friend's trouble, Yeon-Ah turned to Su-Jin.

"Is something the matter? You look very pale."

"I… I think I lost it." 

Su-Jin spoke very quietly. Her eyes were staring straight ahead, but focused on nothing in particular. She felt her heart beating rapidly, almost jumping out of her chest. In a split second her throat went dry, making speech difficult.

"Lost what?" Yeon-Ah asked, confusion written all over her face.