Finding ghosts in the grass

A shadow stirred in front of her eyes and she froze in her tracks. The light from the phone illuminated only half a meter in front of her feet. Anything beyond that was pitch black. 

At that moment, Su-Jin finally realized her circumstances.

She was, in fact, alone, standing at the edge of a forest, looking for a tiny object in the grass. The phone was her only light and she couldn't tell for sure what lay ahead of her. 

  'This is really stupid, not to mention dangerous.' She thought with a jolt of panic. 'Maybe I should just go back for now and try again in the morning. I can wake up early, right before the sun rises and search for it before…' 

Su-Jin's train of thought was interrupted by a shuffling sound, followed by a groan. 

It sounded strangely human. 

At that moment, though, Su-Jin couldn't trust her hearing. She was too scared to even think straight, let alone use her senses to discern what was in front of her.