Back to work

Monday morning Su-Jin waltzed inside the office like the embodiment of the summer breeze. She looked refreshed and exuberant. 

After greeting everyone along the way, she eventually reached her desk.

"Morning!" she waved at Yeon-Ah.

"Morning." The young woman replied, then asked worriedly. "How is your ankle?"

"It's much better. It doesn't hurt anymore and I can walk just fine. See?" Su-Jin finished, raising her foot and stomping the ground.

"Someone is full of life I see." Seo-Jun's voice came from behind them. 

He had just arrived in the office and was watching the two friends with an amused look on his face. 

Ji-Won was right behind him, with a completely different expression gracing his features. He looked uncomfortable and he appeared unwilling to make eye contact with anyone. Most especially, he avoided looking in Su-Jin's direction.