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The Senior Director perused the documents, signed the last page, then called his secretary to let her know she can come and take the file away.

Not even a minute later, a woman entered the office and collected the signed document. Just as she was about to step out of the office, the Senior Director stopped her.

"Ah, Miss Cha, please bring in some tea as well. I think white would be good. Thank you." 

The woman nodded silently and closed the door behind her. The Senior Director then got up and came to sit at the end of the table. He turned his head to the left, watching Ji-Won carefully.

"How is the proposition for the new concept?" The man asked. Although his voice was calm, there was a serious tinge to it.

"It's going well. We already made a proposal draft for the owners of our intended location. Once you approve it I will go discuss it further with them. By Wednesday we should have everything ready."