‘Not as pretty as you’

Holding back a chuckle, Yeon-Ah took a seat on the other side of Yeong-Cheol, moving slowly and gingerly. She only took a small portion of the space, afraid of waking up her little brother. At the same time, she replied to Seo-Jun's rant with an accommodating smile. 

"Well, in my opinion the verses are quite nice, but I understand why some people may fail to understand the subtle meaning behind the words." 

Seo-Jun scoffed, but remained silent. 

Yeon-Ah took that as a cue to continue speaking, so she patiently explained. 

"I believe the author was trying to say that he had met an outstanding beauty at the cusp of two seasons. Once winter is gone, spring will naturally arrive. In that process, the man's heart is bound to change, giving birth to feelings like love and yearning. Just like nature comes back to life after being asleep in winter, so is a person's soul bound to revive with the help of love."