
That Monday after lunch Ji-Won was in his office. He was busy preparing the documents needed for signing the contract with the Ma couple. 

He was just about to place the stack of papers into a file, when the door was suddenly pushed open.

Ji-Won glanced up and saw Seo-Jun hurrying inside. As he advanced with large strides into the office, the man was brimming with impatience and curiosity. He gave Ji-Won a onceover, then quickly inquired about the thing that he was most interested in. 

"Hey, buddy, how are you feeling?"

"You already asked me that this morning... Twice." Ji-Won replied with an eyebrow twitching in vexation.

Indeed, the moment Seo-Jun had spotted him inside the lobby that morning he made sure everyone knew that Ji-Won hadn't been feeling well. 

The annoying man he called friend didn't stop there, though. He also made a point of following Ji-Won around, treating him as though he was about to drop dead any second.