Chapter 13: Cole

Cole SCRAWLED HIS signature on one last piece of paper.

That might be it.

He scrubbed a hand over his face and glanced at the clock on the wall.

The clinic had closed half an hour ago. He had about an hour before he needed to be at Times Remembered Antiques. Bunny and the other grannies had convinced him to help pitch in for some kind of homecoming preparation. He'd been to a few school dances over the years, but the sense of anticipation surrounding the event wasn't normal by his standards. Whatever was coming, he was certain he wasn't ready for it.

Two voices drifted down the hall.

Cole cocked his head to the side.

Were the techs still there?

They didn't have any patients overnight so there was no reason for the techs to still be there after the clinic was closed.

He hung his white coat on the back of his chair, gathered his things then headed for the back of the clinic. Two of the techs had their heads together over a box. A box that was making some very pitiful noises.