Chapter 14: Scarlett

Scarlett HAD CONSIDERED not showing up for the annual mum making night at the antique store. No one had asked her and it wasn't like she'd promised or signed up for it. But she'd helped out every year since the L.O.L.'s began their tradition.

But this time, Cole would be there.

Ingrid had told her as if that would encourage Scarlett to show up. Truth was, last night's chat with Benji had helped focus Scarlett and bring her wayward imagination to heel.

Scarlett parked the Jeep and immediately her eyes landed on Cole's bicycle.

She slid her fingers over the knuckles he'd kissed.

Yeah, so her imagination was fighting back, but what mattered was what she chose to do. She was in charge of her destiny. No one else.

She grabbed her purse then the box of cupcakes she'd picked up on her way into town. People had been forced to decide between pitching in on mum making or parade floats. Most people had opted for the floats, which was why she'd inevitably decided the mum team needed her.