Chapter 15: Scarlett

"Did you travel around based on where your dad was staying?" Scarlett wanted to know, but she was scared to ask.

"No, Mom moved us around depending on which felon she was married to." Cole scrubbed a hand across his jaw and sorted through the glitter letters.


"You know how some women like to date cops, or firemen or athletes? My mom was like that, but with felons. My dad wasn't so bad in the beginning, but the kind of men she met and got involved with kept getting worse, and worse. That's why we moved around a lot. Sometimes they were in prison and sometimes they weren't."

Scarlett dropped her hands into her lap.

"I haven't seen my dad in...twenty years? I was ten or eleven last time I saw him. I can't believe I'm telling you any of this." He shook his head.

"You can tell me." She reached over and took his hand, her heart in her throat.


"Where's your mom now?"

"Who knows? I cut ties with her when I was twenty after CPS came and took her last three kids."