Chapter 43: Scarlett

ONE THING Scarlett wasn't sure if she'd get used to were alarms on Mondays. She groaned and cracked one eye open in time to watch Cole's tight ass bound out of bed. Pip leapt onto the floor to follow his human into the bathroom.

It was still dark outside. Cole liked to get to the clinic a half hour before they opened at seven. If he hadn't promised her breakfast she'd roll over, go back to sleep and let herself out later, but her stomach protested loud enough Pip scampered back onto the bed to check on her.

"I'm up," she muttered at the dog.

To prove her point, she levered up into a sitting position and patted Pip's head.

She pulled on clean clothes and tied her hair up in a messy bun. At this hour the only people who'd be at the diner were male counterparts of the L.O.L.s and a few cops. She didn't need to dress up for anyone.

"Are you taking Pip to work with you today?" she asked when Cole stepped out clothed in teal scrubs.