Chapter 44: Scarlett

Scarlett gathered her laundry, let herself into the house and released Pip from the kennel. She went through the motions of getting her laundry going then settled on the sofa with Pip to stare at nothing.

Cole had never given her the indication he wanted to get back together with Allie-Kate. In fact, the way he spoke, it sounded like there'd never been any love there at all. But what if AK's appearance made Cole realize he wanted something else? What if he decided to move? What if-what? What was Scarlett afraid of?

Losing Cole.

Against her better judgment she'd fallen in love with him and now all of the power was in his hands. He could hurt her. No, he could destroy her. She'd fallen for a man she knew wasn't sure of what he wanted. That meant she had to accept that she could lose it all, and there was nothing she could do about it.