Chapter 52: Scarlett

Scarlett WISHED SHE was coming home after two weeks away with more pep in her step or some kind of new self awareness. What she had was an action plan to starting up a very small, wedding planner side business and a keen awareness that she was not cut out for snow. Noemi's invitation to join her for the week had been kind. A godsend even, but Scarlett was glad the whole thing was over.

The time had come for ice cream and sad movies at home alone. The trip hadn't cured her of her broken heart; it had merely distracted her while her misery continued to wait patiently for her return to reality.

Benji and Garth had been kind enough to stock her kitchen with a few essentials, but there was a distinct lack of both wine and ice cream. She was willing to bet that move was intentional.

While Scarlett wasn't ready to face the residents of Ransom yet, the need for consumable emotional support won over.