Chapter 53: Cole

"I CAN'T DO this." Cole gripped the edge of the table and stared at his half-drank beer.

"I don't know why you're doing this." Will David shoved his hands through his hair. Cole could feel the other man's gaze on him. "What purpose does this serve?"

"We can't do anything differently right now," Benji said. "Look, Scarlett's gone straight to pissed. It wouldn't matter what you went up the hill to tell her, she'd tear you a new one. We stick to the plan."

"Nothing good will come from talking to her now," Garth agreed.

"I don't know." Cal sighed and met Cole's gaze. "Whenever I screw up the longer I wait the worse it gets with Eve."

"It's been two weeks," Garth said. "Even if you went up, there planning to ask her to marry you, she'd probably take your head off first."

Cole swallowed and fought the urge to wipe imagined sweat from his brow.