Chapter 56: Cole

Cole'S LUNGS WERE going to burst from holding his breath. He'd had his apology planned out. The girls were going to scatter; he'd go to the house, beg her forgiveness with his grand speech then grovel until she accepted him back. Her showing up had thrown it all out of whack. He couldn't be certain he'd said everything he meant to or if he'd gone off track somewhere.

Scarlett continued to stare at him, her eyes wide, full of so much emotion he could drown in them.

She'd said she'd fallen for him, but he'd interpreted those words to their true meaning.

She loved him.

And he loved her.

He could feel it. The chemistry had changed. It wasn't something he felt when she was around. No, now he had that Scarlett tingle all the time, even when she was hundreds of miles away.

Cole loved Scarlett.

It was unexpected and sudden, but it was also right.