Chapter 55: Scarlett

Scarlett turned into the drive and eased all the way up near the house.

"Holy..." She stared out on the other side.

Cars were in a line, their trunks facing her. Most were decorated. Almost everyone was in costume.

Scarlett got out and peered around her in a daze.

Ingrid's car pulled in behind her, the girls spilling out, all talking at once.

Scarlett took a dozen or so steps and studied the cars.

Trunk or treat.

They were having trunk or treat in their field.

"Scarlett?" Benji called out. "What are you doing here?"

She turned.

Benji and Garth stood at the bottom stairs leading to their house. Someone had decorated both their porches in pumpkins, scarecrows and lights. Behind them kids darted around the trees, playing tag and dressed up.

Where was the wedding?

She set her gaze on the barn doors and all the light shining out and started to walk.

"You can't be here," Benji said as he fell into step with her.