Chapter 63: Dixie

"Pull yourself together." Dixie pulled herself up to perch on the edge of the tub.

Her whole body felt sticky. A shower was in order. She might want to burn her clothes. Laundry would have to be done. But her immediate need was to face down the man currently in her house.

A quick washrag bath and a bra would at least make her feel more human.

Ten minutes later teeth were brushed, face washed and wipe down complete. Her hair was an unholy mess. She bound it up into a bun until she could properly deal with it later. A bra rounded out her list, and she was ready. For what, she still wasn't sure, but she'd gotten this far. The rest couldn't be that bad, could it?

God, she'd slept with Benjamin and she didn't even remember it. How embarrassing?

She gave her head a little shake, then thought better of it as an invisible ice pick jabbed at her temple. Those pain killers would be a godsend.

"You can do this," she muttered to herself.