Chapter 64: Benji

BENJI PLACED THE TWO guitars and their respective stands in the living room of the house he shared with his older brother, Garth.

Speaking of...

Benji glanced out the front windows.

His brother's truck was gone.


Ever since Benji had dragged ass home Sunday morning, well before their workday was scheduled to begin with the day's events, his brother had been all over him. And it hadn't changed Monday or Tuesday or all day today.

What the hell was up with Garth? Was this what their cousin Scarlett had put up with before her boyfriend was in the picture? Was all of Garth's crabby assedness now directed at Benji?

He'd always known Garth's protective instincts were on overdrive where she was concerned, but Benji had the sinking realization that he'd allowed far too much family bullying to go on under his nose.

That was in the past.

They'd figure out their rhythm soon enough.