Chapter 68: Benji

BENJI LEANED BACK AND studied the thumbnails of the edited shots from last week's wedding. It was some of his best work by far. But he'd also had an attractive, photogenic couple to work with.


He tabbed computer screens without thinking until that image of Dixie came up. The one he couldn't stop staring at. It was that moment when she'd glanced up, her eyes on him before she noticed the camera. She'd smiled so big and bright it made his heart hurt.

"You going to pick up this mess?" Garth stood in the open doorway leading into the office.

"It's fine." Benji tabbed back to the thumbnails to continue his last evaluation before sending the proofs to the bride and groom. They'd select their images, and he'd do further editing after that.

"It's a disaster in here."

Benji blew out a breath, leaned back in his chair and swung a bit to face Garth directly. His brother had a bone to pick about something and wasn't going away.

"Can I help you?" Benji asked.