Chapter 69: Benji

Benji rolled the question around in his head. She needed answers. Real ones.

"Like I said, you and Luna used to be close. I figured you might want that again. Besides, you haven't really lived until you've been to a Jones family fish fry these days." And I'd like to see you. He wanted to see that she was okay that this first week of freedom from her ex hadn't left marks.

Dixie sighed into the phone.

He braced himself for another no.

"Can you give me twenty minutes?" she asked.

"I can."

"Okay. Twenty minutes. Bye."

Benji pushed to his feet grinning.

It was too bad Scarlett wasn't coming tonight. Eventually he'd like to see the whole gang back together again. Or at least the ones still living near town. If he'd learned anything from watching Scarlett get back on her feet, it was that the support system around her mattered.