Chapter 70: Dixie

DIXIE'S CHEST ACHED FROM the tension between her shoulders. Or was that her heart? Or was it Luna?

The other woman had her arms clamped around Dixie, squeezing the life out of her.

"Oh my God, I haven't seen you in forever." Luna finally relaxed her hold on Dixie and leaned back. "How are you? And-did you come where with Benji?"

"That's a long story," Dixie said slowly. She could feel the man watching her, which had a whole other set of chemical reactions going off in her brain.

"I need to hear it and you need a drink."

"Oh, no. Nothing for me." No need for a repeat of last weekend.

"You have to have something or else Mamaw is going to yell at me for being a bad host." Luna hooked her arm in Dixie's and led her toward the outdoor kitchen.