Chapter 81: Benji

BENJI STOOD BACK AND admired the gleam of the wood floor. Most Mondays he took off work, but he hadn't felt like doing anything else. And after a busy weekend of people trekking in and out of the place, the floors had needed a day of pampering. His back and arms ached, but it was a good feeling. One that he got after a long day of work spent on the business that kept the family taken care of.

He checked the time. Once again a kick of adrenaline hit him, making his heart beat just a bit faster.

The anticipation was slowly killing him.

Dixie would be ready before much longer. He needed to stow his gear and move ass to her place. Even with the events eating up the weekend, he'd spent a good deal of time pondering what she'd say today. He'd almost called her up late Saturday to suggest a midnight drive, but was willing to bet she'd be passed out. She didn't strike him as the night owl type.