Chapter 80: Dixie

DIXIE MADE IT THROUGH her workday by hiding. She'd had one well-timed sneeze, followed it up with a cough and when one of her co-workers asked if she was coming down with something Dixie had said yes.

It was amazing how many people hadn't needed her today.

The downside was that she'd had almost twenty-four hours to spin her wheels and freak out.

Benjamin Lively had kissed her.

And she'd kissed him back.

Dixie slid down farther in her seat as she passed the Ransom city limit sign. No one had said a word when she ducked out just a little early.

A few minutes later she pulled into the parking lot at the Ransom High School and parked into a visitor spot. At least once a year Dixie made a point of stopping in to see Elisabeth's classroom. Looked like this year was going to be a special case of two visits.