Chapter 83: Dixie

DIXIE KEPT HER ARM hooked around Benjamin's and practically dragged him into her house. He didn't protest. He didn't say anything. He simply followed where she directed.

She was wiped after this evening. She couldn't begin to imagine how Benjamin felt.

Hadn't his father collapsed one day for no reason and died? Could it be hereditary? What about Benjamin?

Dixie's father had a massive heart attack a few years ago. The doctors had indicated that the cause could be passed down. After seeing how her parents' lives were upended by the cardiac incident, she'd made changes to her life, hoping to escape the same fate.

She stuffed her concerns to the back of her mind and fished out her keys.

"You got a note." Benjamin reached up and took the folded sheet of paper taped to her door off.

Oh, great. Just what this day needed.

"Don't mind that. Inside." She unlocked the door and nudged him inside.

"The grass is too high." He frowned at the note.