Chapter 84: Benji

They sat there for several long moments. The silence wasn't tense or awkward. It was nice after hours of straining to hear anything, any hint of news.

"Thanks for being there tonight," Benji said.

"I hate this is happening to your family." Dixie turned her face toward him and inhaled.

"I'm afraid I didn't put cologne on." He chuckled.

"What?" She froze, only then realizing that he didn't smell like he usually did.

How did he know she liked his cologne?

Oh, God...

A real smile finally pulled the corners of his mouth up. He shifted, turning his upper body toward her.

"You might have told me I smelled really good one night. I can't quite remember when that was." His smile widened, and she knew exactly when she would have told him and blissfully forgotten about it.

"I didn't-I wasn't..." Dixie groaned and ducked her face.

He slid the arm around her shoulders lower, tugging her closer still. She felt the press of his lips against her hair and the heat in her cheeks intensified.