Chapter 85: Benji

BENJI WISHED DIXIE WAS here. She'd know all the questions to ask, what should be written down. All he had was the printout she'd left in her mailbox this morning. He'd picked it up on his way out of town, following the ambulance transferring Garth from their little hospital to the big heart ward in the city.

Garth was still laid up in his bed, exhausted from the constant poking, prodding and a battery of tests they'd performed all morning. Scarlett and Cole sat on the sofa under the window, holding tightly to each other. Which left Benji either in the corner behind the machines or seated in the hospital chair that made out into some kind of bed.

He tapped the arm rests.

Any minute now the doctor was going to give them the bad news.

"Knock, knock?" a woman called out.

"It's open," Benji said.