Chapter 86: Dixie

DIXIE SLOWED THE CAR as she approached her house.

A familiar green Jeep sat at the curb, windows down.

"Oh, dear," she muttered to herself.

She turned her car into the driveway but didn't hit the garage opener.

A bit of movement in her rearview mirror had Dixie glancing over her shoulder.

Scarlett stood on the curb, her hair glinting red in the sunshine and a pair of sunglasses pushed up on her head. She wore a loose, floral dress with a jean jacket thrown over it and boots. Her face was somber, serious.

Because of what was going on with Garth, or the sins Dixie needed to atone for?

Maybe it was time to face the music.

She grabbed her things and got out. Scarlett was closer now, her expression no less serious.

"How's Garth?" Dixie asked.

"He's going to be fine." Scarlett's shoulders slumped, and she breathed a sigh of relief. "He's going to be okay."

"I'm sorry we're seeing each other under these circumstances." Dixie clutched her planner to her chest like a shield.