Chapter 90: Dixie

DIXIE PULLED INTO THE clinic parking lot.

A big, blue truck sat at the very back, its wide set tires braced on both sides of the parking space. Benjamin sat on the tailgate, bent forward, elbows on his knees, looking at his phone. He glanced up at that very moment and locked eyes with her. A smile spread across his face, just for her.

Her heart fluttered, and she smiled despite the nerves that had kept her awake for most of the night.

Benjamin was at her door before she turned the car off. He helped her out and pulled her straight into a hug. She closed her eyes and took comfort in his presence. Yesterday they'd managed to get into a small clinic that would do their testing overnight. It was worth the extra fee to Dixie for the presence of mind to know now if Jace's scars would reach even further.

"Everything's going to be okay, no matter what the results say, okay?" he whispered into her ear.

She didn't believe him, but his words were nice.