Chapter 91: Benji

BENJI WISHED HE WAS wearing his normal get-up of starched black jeans and a white button down. It worked when he was just another one of the help, moving things and pointing where things went. But not today. No.

He was the ringmaster.

And that meant dressing the part in a three piece gray suit paired with his nicest boots. The leather binder Dixie had given him yesterday fit in flawlessly and he clutched it like a lifeline.

What would he have done without it?

Last night he'd dumped his notes into the binder so they were easier to carry around. Scarlett had pounced on him late in the evening, hole punched everything and done a bit of organizational work to get him through the weekend.

What time was it?

Benji checked his watch, the nice one Garth had given him as a Christmas present a few years ago. Today's ceremony was black tie and tightly scheduled.