Chapter 92: Dixie

DIXIE STOOD IN THE kitchen, her lighter in hand.

Should she light candles?

If she lit them Benjamin would know-what? That she'd left The Love Barn and gone home to promptly shower, shave, the whole girl routine and light candles because tonight was their date for fun?

A diesel engine rumbled down the street.

Her nipples sat at attention and she shivered, watching for the headlights to turn into her driveway.

All weekend Benjamin had taunted her with variations of how much fun he had planned. If she'd known he intended to tease her, she would not have offered to help out with Garth. At least that's what she tried to tell herself. Any time she thought about those teases, the gentle caresses, she smiled.

Then there was his T-shirt.

She'd found it in her car, which meant he'd stolen her keys long enough to stash an old, faded Ransom varsity football shirt on her passenger seat.

It smelled of him and she wasn't too proud to admit that she'd slept in that shirt last night.