Chapter 99: Benji

Benji enjoyed teaching Dixie and the inside view it gave him into the woman. Which was why halfway through running through the second chord addition he realized she wasn't humming. Dixie hummed when she played. She wasn't ready to sing along with the songs but she had a good enough ear that once she had the chords down she hummed. Was she not entirely tuned into the lesson either? Had she suggested eating because she wasn't up for today?

They finished the progression without the usual thrill of accomplishment lighting her face.

"Good." Yeah, they were done. He lowered his guitar to the ground and leaned it up against the sofa.

Dixie continued frowning at the sheets.

He grasped the guitar in her lap and pulled it away.

"Hey," she protested.

"We're done." He laid the instrument across the coffee table.


Benji stretched his left arm across the back of the sofa and leaned toward her. "Are you into it today?"

Dixie bit her lower lip. The same lip he wanted to kiss.