Chapter 98: Benji

BENJI HAD WAITED DAYS for this moment.

The truck rolled to a stop, and he put it in park. Just a glance at her front door with that dated, seventies gold trim on the frosted glass made the stress slide off his shoulders.

He'd gotten caught up in Garth's bad mood Monday after everyone left and hadn't wanted to share that with Dixie. They'd only texted a bit. Then she was busy Tuesday evening, which turned out to be a good thing because Benji wound up sucked into a strategy meeting about the barn events with Scarlett and her friend Noemi. At least he'd had a short chat with Dixie right before she went to bed.

Benji was determined that today would be a good one, and he'd spend it with Dixie.

For the rest of the afternoon and evening she was his.