Chapter 97: Dixie

DIXIE PULLED THE PAN off the stove exactly two seconds before her doorbell pealed. She set the pan down and hustled across the house to whisk the door open.

Elisabeth stood on the stoop, a book clutched between her hands.

"You are my angel." Dixie snatched the book and pressed it to her chest.

"I thought you had a copy?" Elisabeth stepped inside and shut the door.

"I did. Hungry?"

"You did?"


Dixie whirled toward the kitchen and fled. Elisabeth was only a few steps behind her. Both purse and sunglasses were gone, replaced by a curious gaze.

"Did something happen?" Elisabeth asked after a moment.

"Hm?" Dixie passed the other woman a plate.

"You're acting weird." Elisabeth studied Dixie through narrowed eyes.

"Can we please eat first?" Her stomach had been in too many knots yesterday to eat much. She was starving and yet eating was a chore.

"Okay. Fine. But you're going to spill." Elisabeth wagged her finger at Dixie.