Chapter 107: Dixie

DIXIE'S HEAD SPUN AND she could feel hear heartbeat in her nipples. Her nipples. How weird was that?

She slid her hands up around Benji's shoulders and sighed when he eased down over her. With each breath her breasts pressed against him. His tongue slipped last her lips, and she curled her toes into the blanket as an answering throb took up the beat between her legs.

His hand slid down her side, his fingers grazing her breast along the way. He had one thigh between hers. When had that happened?

A sudden gust of wind rustled the tree branches and stirred the grass, reminding her that this wasn't her comfortable, private living room. They were lying in a field on someone else's property.

"Dix? What's wrong?" he whispered against her lips.

"We should go."

"Something you have to get back for?" His nose bumped hers. He wasn't backing off.

"We're making out in a field, in the open. What if someone came to check on you?"