Chapter 106: Benji

"Here." Benji passed Dixie one of his smaller digital cameras. It was more forgiving than the large, professional one he used for weddings and prints. "Just point and click what you like."

She asked a few questions, and he showed her the necessary buttons and features she'd need, then turned her lose.

He stood there, the sky painted a myriad of colors from orange to red and purple, watching Dixie tiptoe among the flowers, so gentle as she lost herself in the act of capturing the moment.

Benji lifted his camera and focused on Dixie's outstretched hand caressing flower. He could just see the corner of her mouth. A bit of hair had fallen from her ponytail to dance in the breeze.

She was allowing him on this journey and he knew he was a lucky bastard. They needed to enjoy this time more. Find other things to explore together, make the most of what she'd give him.