Chapter 105: Benji

BENJI NEEDED TO ESCAPE. Four back-to-back days of events and he was drained in a way that went deeper than a physical exhaustion. It was as if some well inside of him was dry.

Thursday he'd worn the hat of photographer and site manager.

Friday he'd gotten to just be the site manager.

Saturday and today he'd had to help with the decorations for different reasons. Saturday he'd photographed the whole wedding, leaving Scarlett to act as site manager and wedding planner. He'd been both fill-in bartender and DJ today on top of dealing with incorrect delivery times on crucial ceremony pieces.

The last truck rolled out of the driveway, taking with it the linens that had arrived half an hour before go-time. They'd barely gotten them on tables before guests arrived.

"At least it's over before dinner?" Scarlett leaned her head on his shoulder. She sounded as tired as he felt.

"I don't think I can eat." He glanced at the house.