Chapter 104: Dixie

DIXIE WATCHED HARRISON STORM across the apartment with a sinking heart. That was not the same kid she'd met two years ago.

The bedroom door slammed shut. Dixie winced and glanced at Elisabeth.

"I'm going to hear about that from the neighbors." She sighed and dropped her head back on the sofa.

"When did he get so angry?" Dixie glanced at her friend.

"I wish I knew." Elisabeth picked up the remote. "Should we movie without him?"

"Do you want to talk about this?" Dixie curled her leg under her and turned to face her friend.

Music began to pulse from the teenager's room. Loud music.

They both glanced at the door.

When she'd crossed paths with Elisabeth, Harrison had been a fairly average teenager. A bit soft-spoken, but a nice kid. All of that was gone now and neither Elisabeth or Dixie knew why. No one seemed to.

"One minute." Elisabeth sighed and hoisted herself to her feet.

Dixie's heart hurt for what her friend was going through. None of this was easy.