Chapter 109: Dixie

DIXIE KNOCKED ON ELISABETH'S apartment at exactly eight thirty Monday morning.

It was technically summer and though Elisabeth wasn't working for the school she had picked up hours at the library working with the restoration team trying to fill in the holes of the stolen albums.

Footsteps thumped softly. Locks scraped free.

Finally the door cracked open.

"Dee?" Elisabeth stepped back, squinting at Dixie with one eye. "What's up? Why aren't you at work?"

"I'm not going in today." Dixie pushed past her friend into the apartment and peered toward Harrison's door. "Is your brother here?"

"Still asleep. I haven't woken him up yet."

"Can we talk?" Dixie turned toward her friend. "I mean, do you have time to talk?"

"What's up? Did something happen? Is Jace-"

"It's not Jace." Dixie paced past her friend into the tiny galley kitchen where the coffee machine waited.

Elisabeth followed, still in her pajama pants and fuzzy robe.