Chapter 111: Dixie

DIXIE RIPPED THE TAB off the envelope.

"This is so exciting." Elisabeth bounced on the balls of her feet, hovering over Dixie's shoulder.

"It's not that exciting." She nudged the other woman away before pulling the photographs out of the envelope.

"Are you kidding? It is too exciting. Let me see."

Together they poured over the dozen images of local landmarks and buildings that had withstood the fire of 68 and time. Dixie had been hesitant about taking on this project, but she and Elisabeth had made it into their personal scavenger hunt. They'd even found a few old farmhouses to document that hadn't been part of the original project.

"Those look so good." Elisabeth squealed and clapped her hands together.

"They're just snapshots of some buildings." Dixie smiled and flipped through the pictures one more time.

"Are you going to tell Benji about this now?" Elisabeth turned and leaned against the island in Dixie's house, facing her.