Chapter 115: Dixie

DIXIE PEERED DOWN THE street at her house.

Why did Jace have to do this on a Wednesday?

She silently cursed her ex.

The coast looked clear. On a normal day she'd be home maybe half an hour before Benji got there, if she was lucky. Her luck stunk lately.

She accelerated down the street and hit the garage opener. For the last week she'd stayed at Elisabeth's. It was nice. Comforting to be around others. Plus Jace was a pain in the ass. She hadn't missed him being in rehab one bit. What was worse, it didn't appear to have dampened his temper.

Dixie parked in the garage and slipped out to get a look at her front door. The metal mailbox bolted next to the door was ripped off. Some of the siding was cracked and it would need to be repaired.


One more thing to add to the list of things to do.

When Liam Jones had called her about it during the work day, she'd almost cried. Except Jace wasn't worth her tears. The only thing to be done was get a handyman out to fix it.