Chapter 116: Benji

BENJI SET THE STACK of chairs into the rack a little too hard. The whole thing rolled back a few inches and two chairs nearly slid off the hooks.

"Easy," Garth muttered and put his stack into the rack.

"If you're going to persist in having this bad mood, go home." Scarlett adjusted the chairs at risk of falling.

"I don't have a bad mood," Benji grumbled.

"Dixie stood you up last night. You have a bad mood. I understand it, but I don't want to clean up after it." Scarlett glanced around the barn. "All accounted for?"

"Yup." Garth grabbed the strap and with Scarlett's help secured the rental chairs in place.

Saturday would be two weeks since Benji had seen Dixie.

She wasn't speaking to him. He didn't know what the hell was going on unless someone slipped up and said something.

"Leave." Scarlett pointed at the doors. "You're getting on my nerves and I have too much to do today to put up with you like this."

"Scarlett, give him a break," Garth said.