Chapter 118: Benji

BENJI TAPPED THE NECK of his empty beer.

Jessica North braced her hand on the bar and quirked a brow at him.

"Come on. Hook me up with one more." He spoke slowly, doing his best to get each word out clearly.

Jessica shook her head. "Not just no, but hell no."

Another patron of The Watering Hole beckoned Jessica for a drink. She poured the man a beer, leaving Benji to sit on his stool and stew.

Elisabeth's plan had gone down in flames.

He'd been certain that if he could just talk to her everything would be fine.

She must be really serious about ending things with him even if that wasn't what her heart was telling her. Dixie was a lead with her head, not her heart, kind of woman.

A heavy hand settled on Benji's shoulder.

He turned his head and squinted up at his brother. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Jess called." Garth nodded at the bartender.

"I should have realized something was wrong when he showed up here alone." Jessica thumbed at Benji.