Chapter 119: Dixie

DIXIE SAT CURLED UP on the sofa staring at the carpet.

Elisabeth was in the kitchen heating up leftovers for lunch. She hadn't said much to Dixie this morning, and that was fine with her. Dixie wanted to be alone with her thoughts.

"Your phone is ringing again," Elisabeth called out.

Dixie was inclined to wait for the caller to be forwarded to voicemail, but the irritation in Elisabeth's voice told her she was on thin ice. Dixie wasn't ready to go home or deal with life by herself.

She got up and crossed to the table.

Mother Robinson lit up the screen.

Dixie recoiled.

"Who is it?" Elisabeth peered over her shoulder. "Again?"

Dixie ignored the call. She couldn't count the number of times her former mother-in-law had called over the last two months. Sometimes it was two or three times a day.

The phone lit up again.

"Answer it." Elisabeth bumped Dixie.

Her thumb slid across the screen, flashing green.