Chapter 138: Garth

Back during the summer the funny feeling in his chest he got whenever he was really worked up over something had gotten worse. Of course he hadn't said anything about it. Why should he? The men in their family all died the same way, either tragically or wasting away from a broken heart. It had taken one stubborn doctor beating it into his head that what he really had wasn't some old wife's tale about a curse, it was a combination of atrial fibrillation and a heart condition brought on by stress that mimicked a heart attack.

That health scare had pushed his family into taking time off, and subsequently the vacation that had thrown him and Noemi together. If it weren't for his heart trying to give out on him, they wouldn't be here now. He'd have driven both Scarlett and Benji away. Noemi would have never become part of his life.

He was grateful for all of it. Even the parts that sucked. Because they'd all brought him here.