Chapter 147: Garth

Garth PULLED THE POTTED plant out of the truck after him. Truth was they had a lot more plants than he had the ability to care for through the winter. It didn't hurt that he knew Noemi's avid gardening mother would appreciate the gift and earn him some points with the most important people in Noemi's life.

He spared a glance for Noemi's little house before heading to the patio.

Sure enough, he spied two figures bustling around the kitchen.

He knocked on the door and both turned. Their faces lit up and he waved.

There was something about this house that just felt like home. It probably stemmed from those two women.

Noemi's mother opened the door. She smiled and said something in Spanish over her shoulder, all while beaming at him.

"Garth, come in," she said.

"I can't." Why hadn't he come a bit early? Now he was kicking himself. It would be nice to sit in their kitchen, soak up all this good energy. "I did want to bring you another present."