Chapter 156: Garth

Garth ESCAPED UP TO his room for a bit of privacy after they'd closed up the barn for their last wedding before the town festival that coming Wednesday.

He needed time to himself.

It was Sunday.

He and Noemi had discussed her coming for dinner tonight. It was the night they were supposed to tell the others they were dating. At least that'd been the plan before everything was eclipsed by the proposal.

Fucking Ángel.

Garth closed his eyes and drew in a breath. He had always lived by his daddy's logic, that hate was a disease that only affected those who chose to hate. Garth didn't hate Ángel. He just didn't like him much.

Garth changed into jeans and instead of one of his familiar polos he opted for a plain, light blue T-shirt.

It made him think of the dress Noemi had worn to Scarlett's wedding. How perfectly she meshed with his family.

They might not be an obvious match, but they fit. She belonged.

His phone vibrated on the nightstand.