Chapter 157: Noemi

Noemi'S HANDS WORKED WITHOUT conscious thought. She'd peeled potatoes at the kitchen table so many times it was automatic.

Tomorrow was Wednesday.

She hadn't spoken to Garth in days. He'd respected her insistence that they do this break and hadn't reached out once. She wasn't sure why that surprised her, but it did. Maybe some part of her had hoped he'd push on through, demand to be part of her life.

Maybe she'd finally pushed him too far? But wasn't this what she wanted?

"Why the long face, mija?" Mom sat down with a bowl full of green beans that needed to be trimmed.

"Stressful month. Glad for a break in it all."

Her mother sat there, paring knife in hand, and studied Noemi.

"What?" she asked after a moment had gone by.

"Where's that nice boyfriend of yours?" Mom's tone was too cheerful, too careful. She must have picked up on the fact that not all was right.

"We broke up." Noemi sighed. "I broke up with him."

Mom frowned. "What? Why?"