Chapter 12

"So I believe we had a deal." Across the table, Ivy leaned back in her chair, a glass of wine in her hand. "A question for every ten thousand words. I've earned a question and three quarters."

Damn. Harrison had hoped she'd forget. Not that he wasn't willing to share with her, but he was a little afraid of what she'd ask. "You can't ask a partial question."

She wrinkled her nose in a little snit that bordered on adorable. "Fine. I'll bank those seven thousand words for next time. I still get one."

You made the deal. Bracing himself, he picked up his beer. "So you do. Ask away."

"This has been circling around in my head since you dropped me off." She ran a finger around the lip of her glass, angling her head to study him. "What is it you do for a living that you can stick around here waiting on me?"