Chapter 13

Walking away from Ivy the other night had taken all Harrison's self control. It had been harder than leaving her at the inn the first time, harder to go back to the echoing emptiness of the cabin, knowing he wasn't likely to find what he'd originally come for. But it had still been the right thing for both of them in the moment. She needed to work. He needed to get his head on straight. Because he was having all kinds of way-too-serious, way-too-fast thoughts, and if he'd stayed, he wouldn't have been able to resist sharing them and scaring her the fuck away.

The obvious answer had been to remove himself from temptation. And he'd meant what he'd told her. He needed to think about what she'd said over dinner.

"Maybe the answer lies in not trying to rewrite the past but in writing a different future. Maybe in order for you to leave the war behind, your hero does, too."