Chapter 31

In the slightly less dark stretch before dawn, Sebastian watched Laurel sleep. No lines of strain marred that gorgeous face. Her chest rose and fell in a slow, easy rhythm. One of her legs threaded through his, and one hand pressed against his chest, as if she needed to know he was there, even in sleep. She always slept like this with him, and he loved it.

He wanted her. Again. That was pretty much a constant, and this was their last stretch of time this weekend. She had class at eight. He considered waking her, loving the body he'd come to know so well, but they'd already been up most of the night, wringing out as much pleasure as they could from their limited time together. She needed to be sharp for class and he needed to be sharp enough to drive back to Eden's Ridge. So he watched her instead, memorizing every millimeter of her face so he'd be able to call it up during the long-lonely nights ahead until the next weekend they managed to carve out.