Chapter 30

"Lieutenant Donnelly, come in. Over."

Sebastian snapped fully awake, mentally braced for action. But he was no longer in a war zone. Not waiting for an extraction for his team. A warm weight draped over him, her hair spilling across his chest. Laurel. Beneath his palms, her back rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm. Early dawn light filtered in through the windows of the cabin.

From somewhere to his right, the radio crackled again. "Damn it, Sebastian. Answer me." He recognized Harrison's frustrated voice.

Laurel groaned, nuzzling into his chest, even as he reached for the radio. His bare skin pebbled to instant gooseflesh. The fire had gone out sometime in the night.

"Good morning to you, too, Captain."

"Thank Christ. Status?"

"We're both okay. What are you doing on this channel?"

"Sheriff briefed us last night. They saw your flare but when nobody could raise you on the radio, we were ready to roll come first light in case the situation called for it. "